DHHの挙げている参考文献(Why Most Unit Testing is Waste by James Coplien)では、どんなときにユニットテストを書くべきで、どんなときにシステムテストを書くべきか議論されている。
- Keep regression tests around for up to a year — but most of those will be system-level tests rather than unit tests.
- Keep unit tests that test key algorithms for which there is a broad, formal, independent oracle of correctness, and for which there is ascribable business value.
- Except for the preceding case, if X has business value and you can text X with either a system test or a unit test, use a system test — context is everything.
"In most businesses, the only tests that have business value are those that are derived from business requirements. Most unit tests are derived from programmers' fantasies about how the function should work; that has no provable value." だって。